Aconitum heterophyllum (Ativisha, Indian Atees)

Aconitum heterophyllum (Ativisha, Indian Atees)

Aconitum heterophyllum (Ativisha, Indian Atees)


Biological Name:

Aconitum heterophyllum





Other Names:

Ati Vish, Vajjcturki, Atis, Ati Vidayam, Ati Vasa, Ataich, Indian Atees, Ativakhani Kali, Atis, Atvika, Ati Visha, Ati Vidayam, ativisha, shuklakanda, aruna, and vishada, ataish.



A perennial herb native to the western Himalayas, sub-alpine and alpine zones from Indus to Kumaon and found in Kashmir, Sikkim,  Uttarakhand and Nepal at altitudes between 2,500 and 4,000 m. 


Additional Info:

  • Ativisha (A. heterophyllum) has tikta (bitter) and katu (pungent) taste; laghu (light) and ruksha (dry) properties; ushna veerya (hot potency) and katu vipaka (attains pungency after digestion).
  • In terms of actions, it is kapha-pittahara (reduces kapha and pitta oshas), dipana (increases digestive fire), pachana (digests undigested material), grahi (prevents water loss from the body), shotahara (antiinflammatory), vishaghna (antipoisonous), krimihara (anthelmintic), arshoghna (antihemorrhoid), jwarahara (antipyretic), kasahara (antitussive) and atisaraghna (antidiarrhoeal).
  • In the classical Ayurvedic text Caraka Samhita, Ativisha is listed in the following categories: Tikta skandha (bitter tasting drugs), lekhaneeya (has scraping action on tissues and kapha), arshoghna (treating hemorrhoids) sirovirechana (clearing morbid doshas from head and neck) 


Elements Applied:

Active Components:

Atidine, hetisine, heteratisine, Diterpene alkaloids, heterophylline, heterophylline, heterophyllidine, heterophyllisine, hetidine, atidine & Atisenol, a new entatisene diterpenoid lactone from roots.     

F-dishydrçatisine, hetidine, hetisinone, heteratisine, hetisine, benzylleteratisine, betasitosterol, carotene and 3— isoatisine from rhizomes


Used for:

  • Used in urinary infections, diarrhea, and inflammation.
  • Used as an expectorant and for the promotion of hepatoprotective activity.
  • It has diuretic, antipyretic, analgesic, antioxidant, aanodyne, anti-atrabilious, anti-flatulent, anti-periodic, anti-phlegmatic, and carminative properties.
  • It can be used to treat patients with reproductive disorders.
  • Improves Diabetes.
  • Decreases Triglycerides and increase HDL Cholesterol.
  • Improves Migraine and other Headaches.



3-5 grams (3-5 masha)

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