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Benefits of Govind Madhav Weight Loss Tea:
Govind Madhav Weight Loss Tea blended from 24 fast acting botanicals contains many herbal ingredients derived from Bark, Roots, Seeds, Twigs, Leaves, Flowers and Grasses, which have several therapeutic functions. It does not even contain a pinch of caffeine or tannin.
It aids in healthy weight management & energy (neither increase nor decrease) too much.
It reduces fat by accelerating the metabolism of the body thus helps the body burn fat more efficiently and melts the fat around waist.
It keeps you full for a longer time, It is full of fiber and nutrients that help reduce your hunger pangs and stop you from overeating.
It stimulates gastric function; secrete juices which boost metabolism and the production of digestive fiber which can cut down on unregulated fat in the body thus helps weight loss.
It acts as a carminative, gastric stimulant, appetizer and mouth refresher, gives soothing aroma – fragrance. It is useful in flatulence (excessive formation of gases in stomach and intestine), dyspepsia (Indigestion), relieves colic (intestinal spasms).
It is also best for liver health and helps in the process of detoxification.
It protects your kidney, liver, improves digestion and immune system against toxins, and Boosts immunity.
It reduces blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels
It also helps in relieving stress
It is expectorant, improves cough with mucus and removes hoarseness of voice.
It is an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Govind Madhav Weight Loss Tea can be taken without sugar and with/without milk at least two/three times a day to get best health benefits.
Contact Us
Govind Madhav Herbal Tea
B-29-30, NEW DELHI - 110064, India
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Phone : +91-11-45615006
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